UK Support Documentation (3)
Important Information and Useful Resources for UK Clients
What's New in Estimate Version 8.1
Configuring Organizational Hierarchy - Admin (Claims Workspace™) 8.1
Advanced Searching & Reporting with Hierarchy (Claims Workspace™) 8.1
Currently Offered Public Webinars
Register with the CoreLogic Learning Community
CoreLogic® Claims Estimate™ 8.0 Modernization Webinar
How to Work with Assignments in Claims Connect
Viewing Assignments in Claims Connect
The Global Assignments List
Shortcut Keys
General Mobile Claims Software
Adjusting the Claim Explorer, ribbon and items panel in Mobile Claims
Why do I see a "Full image not uploaded" or "Documents not uploaded" message?
Printing FAQs
Where can I find my Symbility ID?
Useful Information (2)
Links to documents and utilities and other interesting tidbits
Release Notes and Updates (3)
What you need to know about updates to Mobile Claims, Claims Connect, CAPTURE, and other related software
Technical Resources (2)
Specifically for helpdesks and advanced users willing to manage their own issues.